Winner and Loser

Posted by dailytots | 11:42 PM | | 0 comments »

We have met a person who is success in everything he does. And there are others - never seem to be able to get started now matter how much help they have. Why is it that some people grab them with both hands, while others let them drop through their fingers?

One reason perhaps is our own lack of confidence. We can be our own worst enemy and put huge obstacles in the way of our own progress. Often time it our brains that start telling us :

  • You are a loser - you can't win

  • You can't do it

  • Cannot be done

  • Too late - too early

  • Too young - too old
  • Too rich - too poo

  • Nobody will listen to you

We are born with a winning chance, but often times we are faced with disappointments and they get recorded in our brains preventing us from taking the chances and limiting our initiative causing dissatifaction. In every situation it is our choice as to whether we wish to become a winner or loser. The more we talk and act like a winner, the more we winner oriented we will become.