Quiet Time

Posted by dailytots | 11:46 PM | , | 0 comments »

  1. Change your schedule and you will change your life. From being a mediocre Christian to being a consistent Christian. From a frustrated yo-yo existence to stability

  2. When you get your priority with God established (appointment with God), all your other priorities (family and business) will fall into correct position. the urgent will not longer usurp the important

  3. The best evidence of the value of a Quiet Time is remembering the day you skipped it.

  4. A consistent Quiet Time eliminates 95% of the temptations.

  5. Being an organized person is a direct result, not of personality temperament, but of a person's life being in divine order because of a Quiet Time.

  6. Having a Quiet Time removes all guilt later in the day when you relax and do human things.

  7. Having a Quiet Time eliminates four things: boredom, a used-to relationship with God, lukewarmness, and a lack of professionalism.

  8. Having a Quiet Time gives your words penetrating power so that you are not longer a dull ax.

  9. Having a Quiet Time looses the spirit of wisdom, revelation, insight, understanding, knowledge and instruction within you.

  10. Having a Quiet Time affects positively all those around you, especially your business associates and your family. You will have an increased kindness, sweetness and they will recognize that you are being led by God. It's easy to flow with someone being led by the Lord.