1. Accept the fact that not everyone will like you. You can be the nicest, most engaging, funniest, attractive person in the world. But not everyone is going to be yourfan. As unbelievable as that seems - it's a fact. Get used to it. With billions of people on this planet it's a statistical certainty that at some point in your life you're going to meet someone that just doesn't like you. 99.9% of the time, this happens not because of something you said or did. It's just...a clash of personalities; chemical reaction. Or they don't like your look. Nothing personal.

2. Concentrate on attracting kind, caring and supportive people into your life. Positive, encouraging people build your self esteem. They help you feel good about yourself. They're happy when you succeed, and help you when you're down. Before you know it, you'll find it a lot easier to express your own need sand desires-because you'll be met with support, not negativity

3. Stop trying to seek approval. This is a behaviour that's rooted in us from when we're kids. We want to please mommy, daddy, teachers. But people who become permanent approval-seekers do it at the expense of their own innate feelings and desires. Remember, you have more important things to do than worry about what people think of you. When you stop seeking approval from others and start expressing the real "you," people will begin to see you as confident and self-assured. Someone they'll want to be around.

4. Don't take yourself too seriously! Laugh and the world laughs with you; cry and you cry alone. When you have a sense of humour and see the fun in life rather than dark clouds, you become like a magnet - attracting people who actually want to meet and get to know you.

5. Blaze your own path in life. Studies show that people who suffer from anxiety are often "followers." Go with the flow...it's easier this way...can't we all get along...But when you replace fear and insecurity with composure and confidence, you'll be able to tell the difference between people who can be trusted and those who can't. And learn a lot about other people - just by watching and listening.

Don't you think you deserve to get what you want out of life? Follow your dreams and passions-despite what others think?
- by Mike Brescia