Feeling angry or upset?

Posted by dailytots | 9:30 AM | , | 1 comments »

When you begin to feel angry or upset, acknowledge the fact that you own your emotions. When you reprimand someone or express your unhappiness, do it privately and try to do so after the urge to fight or defend has subsided. The best way to get your feelings across is when you can speak in a normal voice, without all the warlike body language. Do speak your mind, but criticize the behavior without attacking the other person. When you speak about your anger or dissatisfaction, say, "I feel angry when I see that happening," instead of saying, "You make me angry when you do that." Only you can make you angry, by your reactions to events. When you are upset, go for a walk, or exercise, to release the sudden build-up of adrenaline in your system. And remember, there is no such thing as winning an argument. There is only winning an agreement. Don't engage in "all or nothing" management. If things don't work out exactly the way you had planned them, salvage a good situation. Be willing to compromise on a solution, but never compromise your integrity!
Take responsibility for your emotions this week.
by Denis Waitley


  1. Anonymous // July 9, 2008 at 6:58 PM  

    hi saya faquhar dari malaysia...

    blog saudara/i ini sungguh menarik perhatian saya..

    saya berbesar hati sekiranya saudara/i dapat bertukar link dengan saya...

    ini blog saya..


    sekiranya saudara/i berminat silalah komen di blog saya itu...

    salam perkenalan..
